
Gunnebo Uses Integrated MR350 to Capture Visitor Cards at Bank


The Client

The Gunnebo Security Group is a global leader in security products, services and solutions that include cash handling, safes and vaults, and entrance security. It has sales companies in 33 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Americas.

Gunnebo’s turnstiles and gates regulate and control the flow of people into and out of public and commercial buildings, as well as industrial and high-risk sites.

The Challenge

With their existing access control system, it was necessary for a major South African bank to provide a means of capturing the pass cards of visitors as they leave the building via the exit turnstiles. It was important that this didn't inconvenience the visitors nor cause disruption.

The Solution

Gunnebo provided turnstiles, each with an integral MRC350 motorised card capture reader at the entrance/exit. The MRC350 units were fitted with readers compatible with the existing access control system and cards. This enables visitors to exit through any of the lanes. They simply insert their card into any of the exit turnstile readers for the turnstile to allow them to exit. The visitor's card is then captured by the MRC350 units, ensuring that they can't re-enter the bank without further authorisation. The use of a card reader greatly reduces the cost of replacing unreturned cards.


The Benefits

  • Cost saving by reduced need to replace unreturned cards
  • Automatic card collection saves labour costs
  • Avoids the need for dedicated visitor turnstiles or gates
  • Intelligent 'Capture or Return' mechanism enables the same reader to be used for both staff and visitors
  • Can be used to read any ISO proximity or smart cards, using integrated third party readers
  • Avoids bottlenecks at the exit

 Customer's Comment

"The new system improved customer convenience and put an end to bottle necks"

Liza Coetzee - Business Development Manager

Gunnebo South Africa


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